Welcome To
Staffordshire Gritting Service
01782 479 705
Based in Stoke on Trent.
Supporting Local Business
Since 2o14
Reliable & Friendly Service
We cover Stoke on Trent and surrounding areas. Once the weather takes a turn for the worse, Staffordshire Gritting Service can act quickly and proactively to ensure your business remains open.
We cater to all types of businesses and will advise prospective clients as to which winter maintenance plan might best suit their individual needs. Staffordshire Gritting Service utilises the latest weather forecasting systems - the most accurate means of forecasting site specific ground conditions in the UK. Using an agreed temperature trigger, operators can pre-empt adverse conditions and treat your premises before snow and ice forms on the ground. This preventative approach is often more effective than treating a site already inundated with snow and ice.